Author: Jody Bennett

Don’t get left behind

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

THE BEST THINGS are the latest things—or so the modern mind thinks. Notice how that wonderful mobile phone that was made three years ago is now despised, almost, because later ones, smarter by several degrees, have hit the market. Whatever the cost, one must keep up with the best.

This way of thinking has very wide implications. Old is bad, backward, primitive. New is improved, advanced; hence, much to be preferred.

Of course, there is evidence for this everywhere. Discoveries are continually being made that take us forward. Old, inferior ways are continually being discarded.


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Why so much anger?

Tips for Life

By Alan Bailey

Anger can lead to tragedy. The case of an alleged murder before a Brisbane court is a sad example.

A father-of-three from New Zealand, who was due to marry in a week’s time, had an altercation with an older man who was aggressively following him on a Queensland highway on December 1.

The accused allegedly pushed the man who fell into the path of an oncoming garbage truck.

The man, a father of four, was killed.

Apparently, the accused had no past record and lived a normal life. In court it was revealed that the victim was a former professional driver and had an alleged history of road rage incidents. The case will be re-heard in April.

A cool head would have saved all of this.

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Striking it rich

By Alan Bailey

What’s more valuable than money?

Have you ever dreamed of receiving a lot of money all at once? Be honest.

Surely at least nine out of ten people have entertained some hope or fantasy about sudden wealth. For a few it happens. Their numbers come up in the lottery draw, they win on a TV show, or their assets or stocks rise on the markets, and they are instantly rich, or perhaps even millionaires!

Wow! What could you do with all that money?

The popular answer would be pay off all debts, or build a dream home. Next, a flash car or two. Then, overseas travel. The list could go on endlessly.

But every now and then someone asks the important question:

“Will all this bring the happiness you want?”

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Is suicide the answer?


By Alan Bailey

It’s one of the most disturbing elements of modern life. Even people who seem to have good prospects and sympathetic relatives and friends nevertheless end their lives. The grief over a death seems to be worsened by the way it occurred.

As a rule, it isn’t poverty and hardship that makes people take their own lives. All too often, it is those with good homes, safe environments and seemingly no reason to despair. But we know that depression hits all kinds of people for a range of reasons. But at the bottom, there is the loss of hope. Life is too hard to cope with and ending it is a way out. We are told that the depressed don’t consider what their loved ones will feel; they are too occupied with their own thoughts. All so sad.Continue reading

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Dismal failure or master stroke?



In today’s world, only success will do. Coaches of competitive sport teams are often sacked because their teams have failed to produce the goods. Too many defeats, so the coaches are sent on their way.

In sport, losing is not an option. The same in business. If the bottom line is bad, heads roll. We believe that success, as we understand it, is the thing worth living and dying for.

So how do we rate the mission of Jesus? Was He a success or a failure? At Christmas we often hear the words repeated “peace on earth and goodwill to man.” Did He bring this kind of blessing to the people of His day?

Has there been much of it visible since then? Also, being nailed to a cross as a criminal after a public life of rejection is hardly the description of success.

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When enough is not enough

Tips for Life


Take a moment to think about that thing you really wish you owned. Ever wished or even prayed that you would win the lottery? Perhaps even daydreamed about what you would spend the money on?

For millions of people, having any sort of possessions is just that: a dream. They exist from day to day with the barest essentials of life or not even that. Thankfully, much is being done in our day to bring relief to those living in poverty. Whether people are rich or poor, however, it is part of human nature to desire and want things.

Desire rules, OK?

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After the rush — a bargain

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

I never cease to be amazed that so many people can spend money so freely after the expensive lead-up to Christmas. But the New Year Doorbuster sales, as they are often called, are a powerful temptation. People love a bargain. We see on TV hundreds of people breaking down doors and almost trampling others underfoot to get at the bargains in a department store. Once in there, the frenzy is on in earnest. People push and shove, fight and struggle to snatch up clothing, grab household goods and line up to pay for them. Some items are torn or damaged in the fray; some people are hurt.Continue reading

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After the rush — a bargain

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

I never cease to be amazed that so many people can spend money so freely after the expensive lead-up to Christmas. But the New Year Doorbuster sales, as they are often called, are a powerful temptation. People love a bargain. We see on TV hundreds of people breaking down doors and almost trampling others underfoot to get at the bargains in a department store. Once in there, the frenzy is on in earnest. People push and shove, fight and struggle to snatch up clothing, grab household goods and line up to pay for them. Some items are torn or damaged in the fray; some people are hurt.

A way of life

Shopping for the best price is a way of life among us. Who doesn’t check out supermarket prices, comparing stores and comparing products? Getting the most we can for our dollar seems the sensible thing to do. How many of us keep our eyes open for the cheapest petrol even if only a cent or two is involved.

Getting a bargain, or a series of them, makes us feel good. We feel like winners. No-one has taken us for a ride; we have used our heads and come out on top.

How deceiving!

It is amazing how we can go through life deceiving ourselves so successfully. We may get our detergent at a good price but then we lose badly elsewhere. Just through neglect most of the time.

What counts most? It is life’s values, its relationships, things of lasting worth. Many give scant attention to these. No wonder there are so many sad hearts and sad homes all around us.

We have preferred the things that don’t last and in the end don’t count for much. What a poor bargain we have struck!

A tough question

One of the most difficult questions ever asked goes like this. Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but is himself lost? Jesus asked that question. He also made it clear that ordinary everyday people are lost. Lost to God; lost forever because of our sin and neglect. Even to gain possession of the whole world (which is of course impossible) and remain lost, is to have an appallingly bad bargain.

The best of bargains

The greatest bargain of all concerns an exchange. If you like, a swap. We give our great load of sin to God; He gives us His own righteousness and forgiveness. No payment is demanded. The payment has already been made.

It was like this. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us (when He died on the cross), so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (1 Corinthians 5: 21). Jesus took our sin and paid the price it demanded. Now, forgiveness and freedom are offered to us as a gift. We are wonderfully brought into a right relationship with God, and the amazing thing is that we don’t deserve it.

Having Christ means everything.

His sacrifice is a free gift to us. Now that is a bargain!■

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Seeing marvels with the naked eye

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

If you have sight, you have the privilege of a wide field to look at: the faces of loved ones, the traffic on the road, the images on screens, the stars at night. But it is possible, when you stop and think about it, that our field of vision is actually tiny.

There is a big world out there and we only see a fraction of it, and we are also so selective in what takes our interest and exercises our brain.

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The TV interviewer asks: How are you feeling now?

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

It’s an inevitable question with TV interviewers. ‘How did you feel when you realized your parachute wouldn’t open?’ ‘How did you feel when you heard that all your money had been ripped off you?’ ‘How did you feel when you lost the match?’

My own feeling at that point is sympathy for the poor souls who have been through some sort of trauma and who are asked a pretty silly question about their feelings.

It’s the age

The world around us seems to live in the area of feelings. The preface ‘I feel… or ‘I felt…’ is so common. Sometimes it means ‘I think…’ But then, I’m not sure that thinking is all that popular these days.

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