Tag: eternity

How to become an eternal optimist

Tips for Life

By Alan Bailey

THERE are many definitions of optimists and pessimists. I heard that an optimist is a man who, having fallen off a 20 storey building, was heard to say as he passed the window of the second level, “I’m OK so far.” A pessimist is a man who wears a belt, and braces too.

So the optimist is the person who looks on the bright side, feeling that better things are up ahead. The pessimist is afraid that things will turn out badly.

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An appointment you must keep

Tips for Life

By Alan Bailey

ALMOST every new day brings us a reminder that our hold on life is very tenuous. The newspapers usually have more names in the death notices than in the births column. We hear of friends or relatives battling with disease and people being killed in accidents, wars and natural disasters.


We won’t have it written in our diary, but we can be sure that one day our life here will end. As God’s Word says, “It is appointed to man once to die.”

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When enough is not enough

Tips for Life


Take a moment to think about that thing you really wish you owned. Ever wished or even prayed that you would win the lottery? Perhaps even daydreamed about what you would spend the money on?

For millions of people, having any sort of possessions is just that: a dream. They exist from day to day with the barest essentials of life or not even that. Thankfully, much is being done in our day to bring relief to those living in poverty. Whether people are rich or poor, however, it is part of human nature to desire and want things.

Desire rules, OK?

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The most destructive man to ever live

(Photo by © CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

I recently learnt about the life of American chemical engineer Thomas Midgley, a mild-mannered inventor, who only lived 55 years and whom I had never heard of before, but whose impact was one of world-wide destruction and death. He has been dubbed the most destructive single organism on Earth!¹

Midgley was instrumental in the invention both of leaded gasoline and CFCs, two of the worst inventions ever, which continue to have untold human and environmental impacts.Continue reading

Filed under: Jody Bennett, Popular culture, Thoughts on lifeTagged with: , , , , ,


When someone says “heaven”, what do you think of?

Wings, harps and clouds? Doing your favourite thing all day? A bland place with lots of singing?

Many people define heaven by the things that make them feel happy and fulfilled on Earth, but what if I were to tell you that in heaven there is no sex, no marriage, no Wi-fi, no computer games, no Netflix, no sport and probably no sleep. Would you still want to go?

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Filed under: About God, About the Bible, Jody Bennett, Thoughts on lifeTagged with: , ,