Author: Jody Bennett

Being a great dad

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

“What dads leave in life is more significant than what they leave in death.”

When the word ‘father’ is mentioned, a concept comes to mind which is strongly influenced by one’s personal experience. For those who have a dad, or can remember, a set of impressions emerge. A few common ones would go like this:

The man I feared. I could never please him, never gain his approval. A sour memory.
The man who made my mother’s life miserable.
The distant, often absent man I wish I had known better.
The warm, thoughtful man who did so much to shape my life. I’m thankful for him.
What’s it all about?

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Happiness — A universal hope

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

Happiness is something everybody looks for. I can’t imagine anyone climbing out of bed in the morning saying to themselves, ‘I hope today turns out to be unhappy.’

A recent survey of a cross-section of Australians showed that about two thirds claimed to be relatively happy. They also felt satisfied with their health. As both happiness and health have the habit of wavering and are subject to total change, the figures are not all that decisive. The one third left are a considerable crowd of people putting up with their lot in life.Continue reading

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The proof of the pudding

Tips for Life
by Alan Bailey

Yes, the pudding may look good, even smell good, but the proof of what it promises to be is found by eating it. The one who partakes uses his taste buds and then gives an assessment.

We follow this procedure with many issues day by day. Advertising surrounds us. Claims for this and that product appeal for our attention and our money. Much of the time we have little or no idea of the truth of the claims that are made until we try for ourselves — until we taste and see.

A challenge that needs an answer
Right now, all around the world, we are experiencing an onslaught against the claims of the Christian gospel. Many voices are joined in a chorus of doubt and scepticism meant to unsettle those who believe. But there is one area where it seems little or no consideration is being given; the matter of Christian experience.Continue reading

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Criminal set free

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

This man was a real outlaw. For years he got away with it. His main grudge was against the government and he made his feelings known. Demonstrations in the street were no quiet affair for him. Under his shirt was a knife, always ready for action.

Any opposition had to watch carefully or they would be on the receiving end of his anger. In fact, there came a day in a street fight when he slew a man in cold blood.

As we know, crime doesn’t pay — at least most of the time. Behind bars he awaited his death sentence to be carried out. But instead, one morning, the authorities set him free. Straight out the door. Gone.

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What’s the point to all this?

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

Why do we endure such stress and pressure?
For most of us, life’s a struggle. Work can mean endless hassles and even holidays can bring on more struggle. Men, women and children are working and playing their way through life. But after all the perspiration and the parties, the question persists: What’s the point?

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Finding a bargain

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

After the Christmas rush comes another rush: the New Year sales. Doorbusters as they are often called. I don’t go to them but I see hundreds of people on the TV news literally breaking down doors and almost trampling others underfoot to get at bargains inside some department store.

Once in there, the frenzy is on in earnest. People push and shove and fight and struggle to snatch up clothing, grab household goods and line up to pay for them. Some items are torn or damaged in the fray. Some people are even hurt. Clearly, people love bargains.Continue reading

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Want something new?

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

Many new things come into our homes and our lives around Christmas. And what excitement it all generates! Hot on the heels of all the new things is a new year with all its hopes and prospects. Probably some new joys, new experiences, new faces — and new problems.

When each day dawns we look to the sky to see the weather. We read the paper to find out what’s new. We’re always on the lookout for something different to make life more enjoyable and interesting. It is only natural.

A common experience
Have you ever looked forward to a new start? A new job, or maybe, a move to another house in another district. Perhaps a new school or college. Hopes are high for everything to take on a new colour, for an increased income, for conditions to make life just wonderful. But somehow it all fails to come together. Strangely, the old creeps back. The problems haven’t gone away; they just slip out from the shadows and stare at us once again.Continue reading

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There’s a rough ride ahead!

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

The global financial woes hopefully help us to remember what is most valuable
No doubt you’ve heard the question, ‘I’ve got good news and bad news; which do you want first?’

Right now most people are well informed of bad economic news which is affecting people around the world. The message seems to be ‘Fasten your seat belts folks. There’s a rough ride ahead.’ Times are not going to get easier, especially for those who struggle to pay their way at the best of times.

There is a tremendous focus on money in our world today. Whether you are a ‘have’ or a ‘have not’, minds are concentrated on getting by, surviving, keeping one’s head above water, or, for some, continual striving for more and more wealth. Perhaps it will always be like this.Continue reading

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Revenge is sweet – so they say!

Tips for Life

by Alan Bailey

Acts of retribution are often far beyond what is fitting
Right now there are a lot of people hell-bent on getting even. A wrong has been done to them and they won’t rest until there is some pay-back.

Revenge can become serious, with fists, stones and even bombs flying. People can get badly hurt or killed — and unfortunately we seem to hear about it almost every day.Continue reading

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Benefits of saying goodbye

by Andrew Lansdown

A fortnight ago I conducted a funeral for a friend. It was a graveside service and I stood at a lectern at the head of the coffin in which my friend’s body lay. The coffin rested on three chromed bars bridging the two-metre drop of the grave.

At the conclusion of the service, I spoke the words of committal: “Forasmuch as it has pleased almighty God in His great mercy to take out of this world the soul of our dear brother … we therefore commit his body to the elements, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust …” As I spoke these words, the six pallbearers lowered the coffin into the grave and out of sight.

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