Your testimony *Name: Nickname: *Email address: Marital status: Age: Gender:malefemale Country of residence: Country/town of birth: Occupation: Church: How many years you have been a committed Christian? Are you happy for your testimony to appear on our social media pages?noyes Would you prefer us to run your testimony anonymously?noyes (We still need your details, in order to check facts and get your final permission) Please write your story below or attach it as a document (please include a covering message below). Include as much detail as you can about what led you to Christ, the moment of your actual conversion and how Jesus has made a difference in your life. Note: Please do not write any information you do not want published Part 1: Your life before becoming a Christian What was your childhood like? . What was your life like before meeting Jesus? What specific sins, attitudes and addictions did you struggle with? (E.g. sexual immorality, alcohol/drug addiction, stealing, anger, pride, lying, jealousy, unforgiveness, ungratefulness etc.) . Part 2: Your search for God When did you first think of or hear about God? . When and where did you hear the good news about Jesus (Gospel)? . Why did you decide to become a Christian? . How did you become a Christian? What did you do/pray to give your life to God? . When did you become a Christian? . Part 3: Your life since you became a Christian What have been the biggest change/s in your life since committing your life to Christ? . What is the hardest or best part of being a Christian? . What would you like to tell others about Jesus/Christianity? . What is your favourite Bible verse? . Is there anything else you want to share? . If you are happy to be identified, then please attach a high resolution photograph or two to illustrate your story. (maximum size 3mb each) Image 1 Image 2 Document Please enter this code below: We trust God will use your testimony to encourage others. Please note: It may be published in a number of countries, including Australia, USA, South Africa and on our web sites.