Bad tattoos and other mistakes

Published 2016

A Chinese firm has developed a new type of tattoo ink that fades away after a year, or can be taken off sooner with a removal solution, according to a recent article on What a great idea!

Think of all those embarrassing tattoos that will now be a thing of the past – a once-loved ex’s name, that trendy band or cause that is now passé, those miss-spelt phrases, and cartoon pictures that one outgrows.

It got me thinking that wouldn’t it be great if we had something that could make all our other mistakes fade into oblivion too?

In fact, there is! The Bible talks about how the blood of Jesus takes away the sin of the world. That sounds ghoulish but it just means that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the penalty before a holy God for all our wrongdoings (sins).

The Bible says this payment is so effective our sins are separated from us “as far as the east is from the west”. That God “remembers our sins no more” and that “though our sins are as scarlet” (ie. we make a LOT of mistakes), “we are washed white as snow” (God sees us as perfect and sinless through Jesus).

Even better news is that is doesn’t cost a fortune – the gift of forgiveness is something we can’t earn or buy, it is a free gift that we get by just believing and asking God for it.

And since the fading tattoo ink will only be available from 2018 that makes sin-removal a lot easier than tattoo removal at the moment!

Filed under: About the Bible, Jody Bennett, Popular culture, Thoughts on lifeTagged with: , , , ,